Thursday, May 19, 2011

Unlike The Rest of Chicago, I Have Not Embraced Public Urination

I decided to take a break from work and take some things out to the trash.  I walk back to the gate from the alley, open it, close and latch it and look down my gangway to see a big white ass looking back at me.  This woman was taking a piss in my gangway! In broad daylight!  I. LOST. IT!

"Uhm, seriously white trash bitch! You are fucking disgusting.  Get the hell off my property before I call the police!"

In her Mexican accent and quickly pulling up her pants, "I sorry"

"REALLY? You FUCKING IDIOT! Go to Taco Bell! If I EVER see you on my street again I will call the police."

And this is how my day has been going so far....


Friday, May 13, 2011

Seriously Blogger?

So yesterday I wrote out two posts and one saved...or so I thought.  Blogger went down and I lost the post.  Even when I would look at it this morning it was there and now it's gone.  WTF?  I did not copy and paste it.  I've never had to before. I've never worried about Blogger screwing up my posts.

Sorry kids, but I just don't have time to rewrite it today.  I will try and post this weekend.

Good boyfriend. Bad boyfriend. Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde.  I'm always wondering what he's going to bring up next that is suddenly a problem for him.  His next target is apparently Meow Mix. I don't know kids.  I just don't know where or if this is going....
